If you are looking for great tips to look after those luscious long locks of yours, this guide with tips on looking after long hair and beautifully strong and healthy hair will surely be of great interest to you.
Use the right brush the right way: A wet brush or a boar bristle brush should be your best friend. A natural fiber brush such as a boar bristle would help to reduce friction when brushing. It will also ensure that the hair don’t get caught on any knots to leave the hair smooth, shiny, and silky without pulling out hair strands.
It is equally important for you to start at the ends of the hair and then work the way up instead of top down. It ensures no pressure is diverted on the roots that minimize damage. You should make it a point to make the use of a wide-tooth comb when the hair is wet. Hair can experience a lot of damage if you brush them when damp as this stretches the strands rather than separates them.
Use a heat protectant: A heat protectant should be used by each one of us. It can easily wrap the hair shaft to form a protective barrier, which ensures that the hair style is sleek and any possible damage is prevented.
Use a deeply hydrating treatment: Deep hydrating treatments go a long way to replenish any lost moisture. For this, you can try out the coconut honey mask for your hair or oil high in vitamin E like avocado or olive oil. For best results, it is always suggested to gently warm the oil on a low heat in a pan and then apply to your hair. You can thereafter wrap in a warm towel and wash out after four to five minutes.