Beauty advice: how to take care of long hair?


Shiny and silky hair of famous people inspires your admiration and envy? We understand you very well. However, in normal life, hair rarely looks so perfect. This is explained by the fact that the long hair looks beautiful in the magazines and on TV only after long and difficult manipulations with the hair. Most of the time, it’s harmful to the hair and the stars have to invest a lot of time and money to make sure they’re healthy.


Over time, the ends of the hair wear out, while the hair at the roots remains healthy and shiny. The first thing you need to care about is the ends of the hair because they are exposed to friction and natural oxidation if you do not care for them. This problem concerns both the long hair and the middle hair. Hair wear causes the hair to become brittle and dehydrated over the length. There are hair care products that are specially designed for moisturizing and strengthening long hair such as oils and serums. You will definitely find something for you on the Remember, the better your hair is moist, the softer and healthier it is. But first, be sober about the state of ends of your hair. If they are already too dry and sharpened, they must be cut immediately, at least a few centimetres. Do not believe advertising campaigns about glueing such ends, nothing will help them anymore.

How to prevent the drying of hair?

By minimizing the damaging of the hair, it will be possible to preserve the beauty and health of the locks. First of all, it is necessary to refuse to hot hair styling. The daily use of a hairdryer, straightening or curling cause an adverse effect on the locks. You have to make sure your hair dries naturally. If this is not possible, use thermal protection and try not to dry your hair at maximum temperature.

Masks should be used at least once a week. To get a tangible result, use the products to solve different problems in turn. The use of masks for dry, thin, split hair can be an excellent prevention of split ends

Also, forget about brushing wet locks so they don’t get hurt. During the summer, especially during relaxation in hot countries, when bathing in seawater it is necessary to use special products which protect against sun and salt.

A balanced diet is the first step in getting beautiful locks. Poor nutrition, strict diets, restrictions on certain foods – all this invariably affects the hair. It is recommended to consume sufficient protein food (cottage cheese, meat, fish, pulses, nuts) with basic amino acids. Be sure to add fruits, fresh vegetables, olive oil to the menu.

And last advice: Too tight rubber bands, for example, weaken the scales of the hair and break them. Better use the barrettes, gently tighten them on your hair.


Having long, eye-catching and long hair is hard work , but the proper care of long hair is worth it. Follow out tips and enjoy fantastic results!